Sunday 8 January 2023

Chanel Boateng- The Re-birth


The last time I updated this blog was when I remembered it even existed! Its crazy how, this is the very platform that got me started with all of what it has become today and due to the focus on all other platforms, the very essence of what my brand is and what was once my first love of content creation has been sadly neglected. 

Nevertheless, it is 2023, this blog is 12 years old, and I have returned with the original brand name 'Chanel Boateng'. The thing is, I am actually not a keen writer, although I have many various passions that I liked to express on this particular platform, I personally love video creation and there for the YouTube, TikTok's and Instagram of the internet world took over everything over this very blog. 

I owe my blog an apology... for the neglect and the abandonment.... and I want to be able to get back on here in written form monthly, and just share whats in my world. A lot has changed for me, but more than anything, my brand name is Chanel Boateng again. This is liberating for me, because its not only the name that grew traction to growing my online presence but it also is a new chapter for me as I enter a different phase in my life following divorce. I explain more on my YouTube channel, so be sure to check in on the right of this site and head over to YouTube to hear more. 

Who is Chanel Boateng?

Chanel Boateng is the person God created me to be. Despite marriage and name changes legally or even as a personal brand.. she is the woman who re-birthed following a trial of different major life events. I have gone through several transformations over the years, but I cannot help but feel this transformation is the desired and most comfortable and the most 'ME' I have felt in a while. Working on what it is to become her has been a journey. I have been in therapy, had a weight loss transformation and worked on my healing journey of emotional and mental abuse that I had been traumatised with from childhood. I also set out to grow myself spiritually and grow closer to God by isolating myself to him and him alone following a very traumatising event I recently encountered. Needless to say, I am feeling fulfilled, whole and confident to such a high level and my blog and everything I put out on the internet has an aim to empower women on their own personal transformation journey. Through lifestyle choices and setting goals and targets, I believe all women can achieve what they want with great focus and drive. My story comes from a life of hurt, struggle and darkness... to a allowing my self to develop and grow by manifesting my destiny and what I believe God wants to use me for in this life. 

I am excited for 2023, get ready for a journey of change for all of us... are you ready?



  1. Congratulations on your rebirth Chanel. I deeply admire your ability to take all of your trials and hardships to God for reshaping and resurgence. I was a fan of the first Chanel Boateng and Chanel Ambrose. I look forward to seeing you flourish as much and even more so than you have before. Blessings girl!!

  2. I've never understood this meme because, for god's sake, birds are dinosaurs! They are ruthless hunting & killing machines, and if you come face-to-face with a Zlatan-sized duck it is going to end you and then feast upon your corpse.

    Duck-sized Zlatans are an easy choice. Humans are soft and smush-able.

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  4. I look forward to seeing you flourish as much.

  5. At this point, the sex doll's genitals are clearly visible and there is an inexplicable feeling of arousal. I feel ashamed for staring at the futa sex doll genitals, but this also causes sexual arousal.


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